New Main
NO-DES Technology Solved Issues With New Main Installations
New Jersey | 2015
New Jersey American Water purchased a NO-DES truck unit back in 2015. On our last day of crew training I received a call from Vince Monaco (Sr. Engineer NJAW), with a request to flush approx two thousand feet of two sections of newly installed 8″ PVC water main (installed by a contractor); these newly installed mains had been flushed and supper chlorinated several times over the past 6 months, but kept failing the Bac-T testing. The contractor was told that if it failed one more time, he would have to dig them up and replace all of the new main at his costs! NO-DES flushed the new mains (with only 1.0 ppm of chlorine residue) for about 30 minutes (we could hear sand and rocks exiting the main into our NO-DES truck filters). They took their post flushing Bac-T samples right from the NO-DES sample taps; and two days later I received news that the samples were negative (they passed). Our NO-DES technology saved the contractor over $250,000 and I didn’t even get a thanks!